Wednesday, October 29, 2008


So, first of all I'm not really supposed to start my sentences with so, I'm pretty sure its bad grammar. Second, I'm really sad that there are only eight choices of font style, and all of them are pretty boring, none of them seem to match my personality, not that font defines my personality, because it doesn't, but I usually like my font to match my mood, especially when I am writing about what I'm thinking, Oh well, I will have to deal with it. Not that it is really a problem at all.

So I have had this ongoing debate in my mind whether I should even create, and continue to update my blog? Argument: whats the point? Rebuttal: So people can read what I write? Argument: Not many people will read this, so again, whats the point? Rebuttal: Maybe someday down the road people close to me will read it, besides I like to write? Argument: You have a journal you hardly write in, start writing in it. Rebuttal: True that, but I am with my laptop all the time, why not keep an online journal? Argument: An online journal will leave an opportunity for all you write to be read, all thoughts, feelings... everything personal, online? Rebuttal: So maybe just write about my thoughts on life, the things that are important to me, my hopes, dreams, things about the world that I want to tell the world, and leave out the really personal stuff that belongs in my handwritten journal. Debate ended. I win!!! (hahaha I am laughing at myself because I think I'm funny)

So I decided I will post a blog, obviously because I am writing one, although I should be sleeping right now...anyway....because of my final argument in my debate I found a title for my blog. Which I am not going to explain, because #1 I am pretty sure everyone owns or has access to a dictionary, and the dictionary is my friend. #2 I sometimes just really don't like explaining myself. The way I see it, if I don't need to, why do it?

This concludes my first blog, in which I had great difficulty in deciding whether or not should exist, which I am not completely sure of my decision, I guess I will find out in the morning.


Daily Dose of Drew said...

Well I am glad that you started a blog. I am really happy because now we can be blog friends. Well I can not wait to read what you have to say.

Evaleah said...

So can I comment on your comment? Cuz that would be fun!!! Anyways it has definitely been a long day!!! But nice indeed!